Courts & Notary's Offices

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The courts of the canton of Zurich judge disputes in civil and criminal proceedings, in administrative law and in the area of ​​social insurance. Here you will find links to all courts and the notary's offices as well as informations to their locations and office hours.

The courts of the Canton of Zurich

The courts of the Canton of Zurich handle disputes in civil and criminal proceedings, under administrative law, and in the field of social insurances.

As the judiciary, the courts are the third authority of the state and independent from the government and the parliament. Their top executive committee is the Joint Administrative Commission of the three supreme cantonal courts, which are the High Court (for civil and criminal matters), the Cantonal Administrative Court and the Cantonal Social Insurance Court.

Criminal and civil courts

The criminal and civil courts of the Canton of Zurich are the first and second instances for all proceedings under civil law as well as criminal proceedings in which there is not already a final decision from the public prosecutor's offices.

Das Obergericht von aussen
Cantonal Supreme Court Image source: OGr


Administrative Court and specialized courts of first instance

The Administrative Court is the highest cantonal authority when it comes to administrative law.

The Construction Court is the first-tier court of the canton for the revision of decisions made by the cantonal administrative authorities and the municipalities regarding the laws on construction and protection of the environment.

The Tax Court is the first-tier court of the canton for the evaluation of objection rulings in certain areas of fiscal law.

Der Eingang des Verwaltungsgerichts.
Administrative Court


Cantonal Social Insurance Court

The Cantonal Social Insurance Court decides on social insurance complaints and lawsuits. An Arbitration Court is affiliated to the Cantonal Social Insurance Court.


Sozialversicherungsgericht von aussen
Cantonal Insurance Court Image source: SVGr

The Notary’s Offices of Zurich

The notary’s offices of the Canton of Zurich are part of the judiciary. They are in charge of all notarial activities, for example the certification of legal transactions, and of certain duties of the Land Register Office and the Bankruptcy Office.

Locations of the courts


Verwaltungskommission der obersten kantonalen Gerichte


c/o Verwaltungsgericht des Kantons Zürich
8090 Zürich
Route (Google)
